T-Account Practice Quiz
T-Account Practice Questions
See how many of these T-Account questions you can answer. Try to get five out of five.
Which side of a T-Account is used to record an increase in Revenue?
a) Left
b) Right
Which side of a T-Account is used to record a decrease in Operating Expenses?
a) Left
b) Right
Which side of a T-Account is used to record a decrease in Accounts Receivable?
a) Left
b) Right
Which side of a T-Account is used to record a decrease in Owner's Equity?
a) Left
b) Right
Which side of a T-Account is used to record an increase in Dividends?
a) Left
b) Right
Scroll down to see the answers.
T-Account Practice Question Video
You can also take the T-Account quiz in this video:
T-Account Practice Answers
These are the answers:
b) Revenue is a Normal Credit Account. An increase in Revenue is represented by a Credit to the right side of the T-Account.
b) Operating Expenses is a Normal Debit Account. A decrease in Operating Expenses is represented by a Credit to the right side of the T-Account.
b) Accounts Receivable is a Normal Debit Account. A decrease in Accounts Receivable is represented by a Credit to the right side of the T-Account.
a) Owner's Equity is a Normal Credit Account. A decrease in Owner's Equity is represented by a Debit to the left side of the T-Account.
a) Dividends is a Normal Debit Account. An increase in Dividends is represented by a Debit to the left side of the T-Account.
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T-Account Question Pack
I've created a set of 20 T-Account practice questions and answers. You can download them here to check your understanding.
T-Account Cheat Sheet
Download my T-Account Cheat Sheet here. It has all the key points you need to know.